The story of Phuc Loc carpentry village

Phuc Loc. Phuc Loc Carpentry Village near Tam Coc Ninh Binh is a famous carpentry village of Ninh Binh province specializing

Ninh Binh is the land of convergence of cultural quintessence of many traditional craft villages with long historical value. The artisans here use their skillful hands to create delicate products imbued with national identity. Among them, there is carpentry in Phuc Loc. Phuc Loc Carpentry Village near Tam Coc Ninh Binh is a famous carpentry village of Ninh Binh province specializing in the production of wooden handicrafts and household products. This is considered the only carpentry village of the city. The craft village here gathers the skilled hands of long-time artisans who have created unique, quality wood products with beautiful and artistic designs.

Phuc Loc is a land with a history from the Dinh – Le dynasties. There is a Buddhist temple called Mat Tu Pagoda, at the end of the village near Mo hamlet. The temple has a unique, beautiful and ancient architecture. The communal house of PhucLoc village near Tam Coc Ninh Binh in Trong hamlet, although not large in size, is solid, all made of glossy black ironwood, covered with frost. Phuc Loc village temple was also built a long time ago to worship Thanh Hoang village who is the ancestor of the carpentry profession.

Carpentry in Phuc Loc has existed for hundreds of years, kept in the form of hereditary. To this day, PhucLoc carpentry village is still very developed, and is ranked in the list of 50 most typical traditional craft villages in Vietnam. Since ancient times, artisan Phuc Loc has created carpentry products with sophisticated carvings to serve the construction of churches, pagodas, temples, communal houses, etc. At that time, although the labor tools were very manual, The stages of chiseling, hewing, and planing are all done by hand, but thanks to ingenuity and creativity, carpentry in Phuc Loc near Tam Coc Ninh Binh is increasingly developed, spread everywhere like Thanh Hoa, Nghe An…, becoming a village. famous traditional craft in the North.

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